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Operation Battle of Kiev 002

Battle of Hostemol Airport

Kiev Oblast - Ukrainian Northern Front - Feb 2022










1. REGION: Hostomel Airport 10km from Kiev

2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT

3. TERRAIN: Plains

On February 24th, 2022 Russia rapidly invaded Ukraine. In the openning days the Russians sought a knock out blow to destroy the Ukrainian Government and crumble all organized resistance. 68 helicopters landed a battalion of Russian paratroopers on Hostomel Airport on February 24th, intended to open the airfield so that heavy weapons, vehicles, and thousands of soldiers could be airlifted just 10km from Kiev in an attempt to over run the capital.

On the morning of February 24th, The Ukrainian military was in disarray admist missile and airstrikes from the invasion. The majority of the national guard units around Hostomel Airport had been mustered and moved away from the airfield, leaving only a company of soldiers left to defend the airport from the VDV Air Assault. This company of Ukrainian Conscripts were poorly equipped and were also only supply troops and firefighters. 

These men would be pushed off the airfield, but would counter attack once reinforced by elements of the 79th Rapid Reaction Brigade and would attempt to retake the airport. After a successful counter attack, Russian Armored forces arrived by the following day, in which the Ukrainian Forces after fierce fighting were once again pushed off of the airport and forced to retreat.

a. Enemy Disposition

  1. Two Flights of 34 Helicopters have been spotted flying toward Hostomel Airpor

b. Friendly Disposition

  1. 71st AHC

  2. 79th Rapid Reaction Brigade will arrive within an hour

c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement

On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions:

  1. Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision.
  2. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. 
  3. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. 



Maps of the Province:

*How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in.

Map of the AO:












Notes from Commander:

  • All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support.
  • If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun.
  • Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat.
  • Bring this in your kit         ITEM - Zippo        if you want to burn the huts
  • When burning a hut make sure to stand back, and let one person burn the hut, as to avoid friendly fire.





Ukrainian National Guard

Ukrainian National Guard troops will man two ZSU-23-2 Anti-aircraft guns & 2 Igla MANPADS to defend Hostomel Airport. 

Ukrainian National Guard troops will pull back after landings and center their defense on the National Guard Barracks, and if needed pull back into the city until elements of the 79th Rapid Reaction Brigade arrive to counter attack.

Russian Armored Elements are pushing south rapidly from the Belarussian border and are expected to arrive to the battle. 


71st Assault Helicopter Company

 Will be fighting on the ground with Infantry for the first half.

Once Reinforcements arrive a single Mi-24 will be made available for the counter attack on the airfield.





Call Signs

  • "Mako Six",                    1LT J. Kauffman
  • "Mako One-Six",           SSG D. Jordan
  • "Mako One-Six Romeo",           SSG A. Cummings
  • "Mako One-One"             SGT R. Kris
  • "Mako One-Two"             SSG K. Kersemeier
  • "Rattler One-Six"            2LT K. Grorud

Hand Signals

  • Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative
  • Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative
  • Control + Num 6 = Engage
  • Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/



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