1LT J. Kauffman Posted January 25 Share Posted January 25 WARNING ORDER Operation Restore Hope 003 Somalia Southern Somalia - January 2020 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0600 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Somalia 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Plains Last week we silenced a mortar team and several spotters which were harrassing the airfield. Additionally, we utilized a double agent and extracted vital intel on an IED Factory located in Wondori, additionally, intel suggested we were to be counter attacked by Al-Shibab forces which was successfully repelled. Last week we lost a Humvee to enemy fire. It is in a recoverable state. Salvage it if you would like. Due to the nature and terrain of the airfield, and our low manpower, Command has suggested the construction of one or two fighting positions on the west-southwest side of the airstrip. Please construct this. While we lack manpower, we have high mobility and would be able to construct multile fighting posititions which we could relocate the various vehicles to fend off enemy attacks as needed. Resupply is coming in this morning. You may requisition one package. 3 x M1240A1 MRAP (Eletronic Warfare Suit & RPG Cages - M240 - M2 - Mk19 1 x M1132 SMP Stryker Minesweeper & 1 x Static Weapon Package 1x AH-6 Littlebird &1 x MH-6 Little Bird 1 x UH-60 Blackhawk & 1 x Drone Package Choose one, you will be able to request the rest in future operations. At midnight, we are planning to conduct a raid on Wondori, to locate and destroy the IED Factory. Do not focus on clearing the town of hostiles, but instead gather intelligence if possible during the day, conduct a hit and run raid on the factory by night. Al-Shabab is believed to lack any night optics cababilities. LASTLY, we have a change in the ROE. Last weekend, during the assault on Chouwari, and the previous week while clearing Karaye, we inflicting heavy civilian casualties. These will no longer be tolerated. For today, No engagement of any individual, vehicle, structure, or group is authorized without explicit approval from higher command unless there is an immediate and undeniable threat to friendly forces or civilians. Direct communication with the Operations Command Center (OCC) is mandatory for all requests to engage. Include detailed intelligence, situational reports, and a clear assessment of the threat. Positive identification (PID) remains a prerequisite. Higher command will assess whether the individual or entity demonstrates a confirmed hostile act or intent before granting authorization. Tonights Raid will be conducted within a civilian populated area; however, after reviewing the intelligence gather and verified from last week, OOC has labeled Wondori a Designated Engagement Area. The DEA is classified as a hostile area; however, indiscriminate fire is prohibited. Engagement of all armed individuals is authorized, provided they are not showing clear signs of surrender or carrying medical or humanitarian insignia. Civilians in the DEA must be presumed present unless intelligence confirms otherwise. Exercise extreme caution to avoid collateral damage. Structures, vehicles, or equipment suspected of housing or being used by hostile forces may be targeted if PID is confirmed. Capture Over Kill: Where feasible, prioritize capturing hostile forces for intelligence purposes rather than neutralizing them. a. Enemy Disposition Unknown b. Friendly Disposition Danab Brigade c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps of the Province: *How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in. Map of the AO: Spoiler Spoiler Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat. Bring this in your kit ITEM - Zippo if you want to burn the huts When burning a hut make sure to stand back, and let one person burn the hut, as to avoid friendly fire. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION SFOD - A (AFRICOM) Recover Humvee. Towing is possible Request and recieve resupply package Construct fighting positions for vehicles. Conduct recon of Wondori At 0100 rapid the IED Factory in Wondori. Do not worry about capturing and clearing the town, instead seek to locate and destroy the IED Factory and exfil. 71st Assault Helicopter Company Will be fighting on the ground with Infantry ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Call Signs "Mako Six", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako One-Six", SSG D. Jordan "Mako One-Six Romeo", SSG A. Cummings "Mako One-One" SGT R. Kris "Mako One-Two" SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler One-Six" 2LT K. Grorud Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/ Link to comment
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