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    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      There has been an update to our Mod Repo's

      Sorry for the late notification, this update was meant to be released earlier this week but due to some technical issues we have only just been able to release the update and ensure it is stable for use in operations.

      Size of update ~300mb

      Unsung Mods Updated:
      @Unsung - Updated to v3.4e

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

    • Attention Members



      The Cambodian Incursion - Spring of 1970


      Operation Fishhook 001 - Saturday March 10th @ 19:00EST

      President Nixon's Address to the Nation May of 1970

      Click --->

      In the Spring of 1970, President Nixon announced his plan to expand the war into the neutral country of Cambodia, which has been heavily infiltrated by PAVN and NLF forces, who use border regions of Cambodia as a sancuary to store supplies, train recruits, and transport soldiers to the southern reaches of the Republic of Vietnam. President Nixon's plan called for a joint RVN-US invasion of the border regions of Cambodia to capture massive amounts of supplies and the elusive COSVN (Joint NVA-VC) Headquarters, which coordinated attacks in III Corps & the Mekong Delta.

      The Cambodian Incursion was incredibly bloody and was only partially successful. Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment entered Cambodia on May 1st with ~130 Soldiers and left on June 30th with only 9 soldiers still alive.

      The Cambodian Incursion lead to the capturing of vast amounts of munitions and supplies which kept the NVA & VC from mounting a large scale offensive until the following year, however US and ARVN forces failed to capture the elusive COSVN headquarters. When US forces were just a few miles from the Headquarters, all US Forces were recalled from Cambodia due to the, Case-Church Amendment passed on June 27th, 1970, which restricted US-Forces from entering Cambodian or Laotian territory as a result of public pressure from the Kent State Anti-War Protests and Shootings on May 4th, 1970.

    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      There has been an update to our Mod Repo's

      Base Mods Repo's Updated:
      @CBA - Updated to v3.6.1.180131
      @ACE_3_E - Updated to v1.1.1.02

      Unsung Mods Added:
      @task_force_radio_live - v1.-1.0.274 - READ! Once you have done the repo update you will need to go to your ARMA 3 folder, find the task force folder, click into the plugins folder and double click the plugin and then click install. This will install the plugin into Teamspeak 3 for you.

      Unsung Mods Updated:
      @CBA - Updated to v3.6.1.180131
      @ACE_3_E - Updated to v1.1.1.02

      Unsung Mods Deleted (You can remove these from your ARMA folder):

      Ops Mods Deleted (You can remove these from your ARMA folder):

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

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