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    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      Unsung Echo is now live on our repo.

      After testing the new version Unsung with our server and modpack, we have experienced no issues. Therefore we have now decided to take the step and make Unsung Echo live on our repo. This will replace the Delta files and update your version to Echo, the update is around 2.5gb.

      To update, simply resync the repo on Arma3Sync and you should be good to go. Anybody who took part in the test you can now delete the Unsung_delta folder that was created during the test.

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      There has been an update to our Mod Repo

      @Nam - Bug fixes and updated to v1.17.3

      This is around a 250mb+ update and is needed for the coming operation so please make sure you sync your repo before the OP.

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

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