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SP6 N. Bobcat

1st Cavalry Division
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Everything posted by SP6 N. Bobcat

  1. OPERATION ORDER Operation Silent Resolve 001 West Tanoa - 7th Groop - Tuvanaka - 2024 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST 5.25.22 ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Tanoa 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 97F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Mountainous c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Require authorization & PID, before High Explosives are cleared within 200 meters of a village. 2. MISSION Recon of target area and capture or kill of all HVT's 3. EXECUTION MAP OF THE AO PHASE I a. At 1930 EST, 1st Platoon will load into the landing zone. b. From there 1st Platoon will take up their battle positions on the beach and prepare insert. c. We have 2 possible locations for HVT meeting. Either Tuvanaka or belfort. d. 1st platoon will find a infiltration point to the island and make their was to Comms Whiskey unditected. e. 1st Platoon will set clear any threats and rig tower to blow. f. 1st Platoon will recon both town and locat HVT's meeting site. g. Once HVT meeting site 1st Platoon will conduct a capture or kill mission on the HVT's. h. After completing 1st Platoon will move to Tuvanaka Airfield and capture and clear the airfield so that NATO forces may set a staging ground for future operations. i. 1st Platoon will maintain security of Airfied until allies are notified and arrive at the airfield and begin emplacing Nato assets. j. Engagement & Disengagement criteria for HVT's: 1: If HVT's are unarmed they are to be captured alive and returned to the airfield. 2: If HVT's are armed normal ROE's apply. PHASE II - ENDEX A. 1st Platoon will ENDEX. 4. SERVICE SUPPORT None 5. COMMAND AND SIGNAL Succession of Command: 1LT J. Kauffman > SSG D. Jordan > SSG K. Kersemeier Call Signs "Mako 6", SP7 N. Bobcat "Mako 1-6", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-6R", SSG A. Cummings "Mako 1-1", SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2", SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler 1-6", 2LT K. Grorud Radio FREQs "Command Net" - FREQ 60.0 "Aviation Platoon Net" - FREQ 50.0 "CAS/Dust off Net" - FREQ 45.0 "Infantry Platoon Net" - FREQ - 40.0 Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/ Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative Red = Enemy/Negative Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position 6. COMMANDER'S NOTES SQUAD LEADERS, make sure your all of your men pack 1 x Personal Aid Kit, 1 x 500ml Blood Bag, REQUEST FORM TRANSPORTATION (INFIL.): [] Land [x] Sea [] Air PAX: 15 VEH. TYPE: Small Boat TRANSPORTATION (EXFIL.): [] Land [] Sea [] Air PAX: VEH. TYPE: N/A ADDITIONAL ITEMS: [] Resupply [] Fire Support [X] Other: Medevac/Reinsert WILL CAS BE NEEDED?: [] Yes [X] No [] Emergency Only Any questions please send them to SP7 N. Bobcat inbox, I'll get back to you ASAP
  2. WARNING ORDER Operation Silent Resolve 001 Battle for Tuvanaka Tuvanaka Island - Tanoa - August 2024 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0600 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Tanoa 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Mountains and Forests Following years of instability and insurgency in “Tanoa”, a strategically important post-Soviet republic, the world powers are trying to maintain a fragile peace. However, a nationalist military faction, secretly backed by a neighboring superpower, begins an insurrection against the government. NATO, spearheaded by a U.S. led coalition, is deployed to prevent the destabilization of the region, while various rogue militias and insurgents complicate the situation. U.S. green berets have been deployed on a remote island to establish a foot hold for NATO forces to begin installing a democratic government on the island of Tanoa. Our Job tonight take the island of Tuvanaka, capturing the airfield to the north, and to either capture or kill the three key Nationalist leaders promoting instability in the region! a. Enemy Disposition Massing local fighters and pmc's have been spotted around the two town and airfield of Tuvanaka. b. Friendly Disposition Nato Coalition Forces c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps of the Province: *How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in. Map of the AO: Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION Green Berets Our team will move to infiltrate the island of Tuvanaka off the western coast of Tanoa and begin their reconassince and assult of the viligaes and airfield. Our Objective is to identify the three key leaders located in either the city of Tuvanaka or the city of Belfort and well as capture the airfield to the north of Tuvanaka to allow for a open supply line and reinforcements form the NATO forces. The Nationalist leaders will have comms with the main land of Tanoa until the leaders are either nutrilized or the Comms tower located on hill 172 has been destroyed. After completeing the primary mission you will maitain security of the airfield and await the U.S. Forces arrival at the airfield and begin emplacing a FOB on site. Bring extra satchels in case we have to blow any other targets of opertunity. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Call Signs "Mako Six", SP7 N. Bobcat "Mako One-Six", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako One-Six Romeo", SSG A. Cummings "Mako One-One" SSG D. Jordan "Mako One-Two" SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler One-Six" 2LT K. Grorud Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/
  3. until
    BCT for all new recruits at 1430 EST (2:30pm EST) Run by CPL N. Bobcat +1PP for all attendees.
  4. M. Mayhew Has requested to do his BCT at 1600 EST
  5. 6:00 pm CST PVT Pancho has requested to do his BCT
  6. 1. I affirm that I have read and understood the rules of the match. 2. By signing up, I understand that we require at least 15 members to attend the event at all, so by signing up I agree that I'll be in attendance & at least 30 minutes early. 3. Desired Role on USMC: Machine Gunner 4. Desired Role on PAVN: Machine Gunner
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