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  3. WARNING ORDER Operation Restore Hope 004 Somalia Southern Somalia - January 2020 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0600 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Somalia 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Plains Last week we recovered several vehicles & neutralized an Al-Shaabab IED Factory, as well as destroyed a significant force of the Western Al-Shaabab fighters. After a calm and quiet week, our informant who gathered intel on the IED factory has informed us that Al-Shaabab militants have moved from their strongholds in the south with guidance from an Unknown Al-Shaabab Commander. If the informant is to be believed, we expect an attack on the Airfield imminently. To Compound these issues, we have recieved word that several sandstorms are brewing and will be hitting our TAOR within a few hours. Once the sandstorm hits, all air operations are suspended. Our objectives tonight are several fold, 1). Request resupply and recieve them before the Sandstorm hits. 2). Bolster defenses at Airbase Marwey. 3). Covertly drop our double agent into Marwey, hopefully he can extract some intel that could be of use. 4). (Optional) Attempt to locate Al-Shaabab's staging areas. If located attempt to harrass and disrupt Al-Shaabab militants at the Staging areas before their attack. 5). Prepare for a possible Al-Shaabab assault on the airfield under the cover of the sandstorm. 6). Atmosphereic interference from the sandstorm has cut our ability to contact the Danab Brigade's other forces in the TAOR. Speak with the Danab Captain, and see if he can send a truck and a message to other Danab forces, requesting reinforcements at the airfield. Resupply is coming in this morning. You may requisition one package. 3 x M1240A1 MRAP (Eletronic Warfare Suit & RPG Cages - M240 - M2 - Mk19 1 x M1132 SMP Stryker Minesweeper & 1 x Static Weapon Package 1x AH-6 Littlebird &1 x MH-6 Little Bird 1 x UH-60 Blackhawk & 1 x Drone Package Choose one, you will be able to request the rest in future operations. Capture Over Kill: Where feasible, prioritize capturing hostile forces for intelligence purposes rather than neutralizing them. a. Enemy Disposition Unknown b. Friendly Disposition Danab Brigade c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps of the Province: *How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in. Map of the AO: Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat. Bring this in your kit ITEM - Zippo if you want to burn the huts When burning a hut make sure to stand back, and let one person burn the hut, as to avoid friendly fire. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION SFOD - A (AFRICOM) 1). Request resupply and recieve them before the Sandstorm hits. 2). Bolster defenses at Airbase Marwey. 3). Covertly drop our double agent into Marwey, hopefully he can extract some intel that could be of use. 4). (Optional) Attempt to locate Al-Shaabab's staging areas. If located attempt to harrass and disrupt Al-Shaabab militants at the Staging areas before their attack. 5). Prepare for a possible Al-Shaabab assault on the airfield under the cover of the sandstorm. 6). Atmosphereic interference from the sandstorm has cut our ability to contact the Danab Brigade's other forces in the TAOR. Speak with the Danab Captain, and see if he can send a truck and a message to other Danab forces, requesting reinforcements at the airfield. 71st Assault Helicopter Company Will be fighting on the ground with Infantry ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Call Signs "Mako Six", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako One-Six", SSG D. Jordan "Mako One-Six Romeo", SSG A. Cummings "Mako One-One" SGT R. Kris "Mako One-Two" SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler One-Six" 2LT K. Grorud Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/
  4. [[["rhs_weap_mk18_grip_KAC","","Aegis_acc_pointer_DM","optic_Hamr_sand_lxWS",["150Rnd_556x45_Drum_Green_Mag_Tracer_F",53],[],"rhsusf_acc_grip1"],["rhs_weap_M136","","","",[],[],""],["rhsusf_weap_glock17g4","","","",["rhsusf_mag_17Rnd_9x19_JHP",17],[],""],["3dma_wd_g3_mc_roll_OP_1_U",[["ACE_packingBandage",14],["ACE_morphine",3],["ACE_tourniquet",2],["ACE_elasticBandage",15],["ACE_epinephrine",3],["ACE_splint",2],["ACE_CableTie",3],["ACE_DefusalKit",1],["ACE_Fortify",1],["ACE_M26_Clacker",1],["ACE_MapTools",1],["ACE_EarPlugs",1],["J3FF_FoxholeTool",1],["rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag",1,30],["murshun_cigs_cigpack",1,20]]],["3DMA_WD_AVS_Rifleman_v1",[["murshun_cigs_lighter",2,100],["HandGrenade",4,1],["rhs_mag_an_m8hc",5,1]]],["USP_45L_RUCKSACK_MC",[["ACE_bloodIV_500",4],["ACE_EntrenchingTool",1],["ACE_EarPlugs",1],["ACE_packingBandage",15],["ACE_quikclot",10],["ACE_fieldDressing",3],["rhsusf_acc_ACOG",1],["ACE_elasticBandage",15],["ACE_splint",4],["ACE_surgicalKit",1],["ACE_suture",1],["ACE_epinephrine",4],["ACE_morphine",4],["optic_ERCO_snd_F",1],["150Rnd_556x45_Drum_Green_Mag_Tracer_F",3,100],["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Sand_red",14,30],["rhs_mag_m67",2,1],["SmokeShellGreen",2,1],["SmokeShell",6,1],["SmokeShellRed",2,1],["SmokeShellPurple",1,1],["SmokeShellOrange",1,1]]],"3DMA_WD_Opscore_V2","murshun_cigs_cig0",["Rangefinder","","","",[],[],""],["ItemMap","ItemGPS","TFAR_anprc152","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","USP_PVS31"]],[["aceax_textureOptions",[]],["ace_earplugs",true]]] Santorum Face
  5. Face Name: Halliwell Face Code: Whitehead_08 Loadout: [[["rhs_weap_mk18_KAC_d","","Aegis_acc_pointer_DM","rhsusf_acc_ACOG_d",["rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag",30],[],"rhsusf_acc_grip1"],["rhs_weap_maaws","","","",["rhs_mag_maaws_HEAT",1],[],""],["rhsusf_weap_glock17g4","","","",["rhsusf_mag_17Rnd_9x19_JHP",17],[],""],["3dma_wd_g3_mc_1_U",[["ACE_tourniquet",2],["ACE_CableTie",4],["ACE_DefusalKit",1],["ACE_Fortify",1],["ACE_EarPlugs",2],["J3FF_FoxholeTool",1],["ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1],["HandGrenade",4,1]]],["3DMA_WD_AVS_SNOT",[["HandGrenade",2,1],["murshun_cigs_lighter",1,100],["ACE_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_M995_AP_mag",16,30]]],["B_Carryall_desert_lxWS",[["ACE_bloodIV_500",9],["ACE_EntrenchingTool",1],["ACE_EarPlugs",1],["ACE_elasticBandage",50],["ACE_packingBandage",40],["ACE_morphine",10],["ACE_epinephrine",10],["ACE_splint",5],["ACE_bloodIV_250",5],["ACE_bloodIV",5],["ACE_surgicalKit",1],["SmokeShellRed",2,1],["SmokeShellPurple",1,1],["SmokeShellOrange",1,1],["SmokeShellGreen",2,1],["SmokeShell",6,1],["rhs_mag_m67",2,1],["ACE_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_M995_AP_mag",4,30]]],"3DMA_WD_Opscore_V2","murshun_cigs_cig0",["Rangefinder","","","",[],[],""],["ItemMap","ItemGPS","TFAR_anprc152","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","USP_PVS31"]],[["aceax_textureOptions",[]]]]
  6. [[["hlc_lmg_mk48mod1","","Aegis_acc_pointer_DM","rhsusf_acc_EOTECH",["rhsusf_100Rnd_762x51_m61_ap",100],[],"rhsusf_acc_grip1"],["rhs_weap_m72a7","","","",[],[],""],["rhsusf_weap_glock17g4","","","",["rhsusf_mag_17Rnd_9x19_JHP",17],[],""],["3dma_wd_g3_mc_roll_NP_1_U",[["ACE_packingBandage",13],["ACE_morphine",3],["ACE_tourniquet",2],["ACE_elasticBandage",12],["ACE_epinephrine",3],["ACE_splint",2],["ACE_CableTie",3],["ACE_DefusalKit",1],["ACE_Fortify",1],["ACE_M26_Clacker",1],["ACE_MapTools",1],["ACE_EarPlugs",1],["J3FF_FoxholeTool",1],["ACE_quikclot",11],["ACE_fieldDressing",11]]],["3DMA_WD_AVS_Saw",[["ACE_tourniquet",2],["ACE_bloodIV_500",1],["ACE_bloodIV_250",1],["HandGrenade",2,1],["murshun_cigs_lighter",1,100],["SmokeShellBlue",2,1],["SmokeShellRed",2,1],["SmokeShellOrange",1,1],["SmokeShell",6,1],["rhs_grenade_mkii_mag",4,1],["rhsusf_mag_17Rnd_9x19_FMJ",3,17]]],["USP_45L_RUCKSACK_MC",[["ACE_EntrenchingTool",1],["ACE_bloodIV_500",1],["ACE_bloodIV_250",1],["rhsusf_100Rnd_762x51",9,100],["rhsusf_mag_17Rnd_9x19_FMJ",4,17],["SmokeShell",7,1],["rhs_mag_maaws_HEAT",1,1]]],"3DMA_WD_Opscore_V2","murshun_cigs_cig0",["Rangefinder","","","",[],[],""],["ItemMap","ItemGPS","TFAR_anprc152","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","USP_PVS31"]],[["aceax_textureOptions",[]],["ace_earplugs",true]]] Gavros
  7. FACE: Kirby Code: WhiteHead_11 [[["rhs_weap_mk18_grip_KAC","","Aegis_acc_pointer_DM","rhsusf_acc_ACOG",["rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag",30],[],"rhsusf_acc_kac_grip"],[],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","muzzle_snds_pistol_heavy_01","","",["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag",15],[],""],["3dma_wd_g3_mc_roll_NP_1_U",[["ACE_packingBandage",15],["ACE_morphine",3],["ACE_tourniquet",2],["ACE_elasticBandage",15],["ACE_epinephrine",3],["ACE_splint",2],["ACE_CableTie",3],["ACE_DefusalKit",1],["ACE_Fortify",1],["ACE_M26_Clacker",1],["ACE_MapTools",1],["ACE_EarPlugs",2],["J3FF_FoxholeTool",1]]],["3DMA_WD_AVS_PLLEAD",[["HandGrenade",2,1],["murshun_cigs_lighter",1,100]]],["tfw_ilbe_whip_mc",[["ACE_bloodIV_500",4],["ACE_EntrenchingTool",1],["ACE_EarPlugs",1],["SmokeShellRed",2,1],["SmokeShellPurple",1,1],["SmokeShellOrange",1,1],["SmokeShellGreen",2,1],["SmokeShell",6,1],["rhs_mag_m67",2,1]]],"3DMA_WD_Opscore_V2","murshun_cigs_cig0",["Rangefinder","","","",[],[],""],["ItemMap","ItemGPS","TFAR_anprc152","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","USP_PVS31"]],[["aceax_textureOptions",[]]]]
  8. [[["srifle_EBR_snake_lxWS","suppressor_h_snake_lxWS","Aegis_acc_pointer_DM_Arid","optic_DMS_snake_lxWS",["20Rnd_762x51_Mag_snake_lxWS",20],[],"bipod_02_F_arid"],[],["hgun_Glock19_Tan_RF","","","optic_MRD_tan_RF",["17Rnd_9x19_Mag_RF",17],[],""],["USP_RUGBY_G3C_MX_CBR_MC",[["ACE_Flashlight_XL50",1],["ACE_MapTools",1],["ACE_microDAGR",1],["ACE_splint",3],["ACE_tourniquet",4],["murshun_cigs_cigpack",1,20],["murshun_cigs_lighter",1,100]]],["3DMA_WD_AVS_SNOT",[["ACE_packingBandage",15],["ACE_quikclot",10],["ACE_elasticBandage",5],["ACE_fieldDressing",5],["ACE_epinephrine",2],["ACE_morphine",1],["17Rnd_9x19_Mag_RF",2,17],["rhs_mag_m67",1,1],["rhs_mag_mk84",3,1],["20Rnd_762x51_Mag_snake_lxWS",7,20],["SmokeShell",1,1]]],["USP_45L_RUCKSACK_MC",[["USP_PVS31_WP_TAR_HIGH_TAN2",1],["ACE_DefusalKit",1],["ACE_EntrenchingTool",1],["ACE_M26_Clacker",1],["ACE_Fortify",1],["MineDetector",1],["ToolKit",1],["ACE_wirecutter",1],["ACE_CableTie",5],["ItemAndroid",1],["iedd_item_notebook",1],["ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",3],["ACE_SpraypaintRed",1],["3DMA_WD_Opscore_V2",1],["ACE_Chemlight_IR",10,1],["tsp_stickCharge_auto_mag",5,1],["rhsusf_m112_mag",6,1],["20Rnd_762x51_Mag_snake_lxWS",3,20],["SmokeShell",2,1],["rhs_mag_m67",3,1],["rhs_mag_mk84",2,1]]],"USP_BASEBALL_CAPB_CBR_C","G_Shemag_tan",["ACE_Vector","","","",[],[],""],["ItemMap","ItemGPS","TFAR_anprc152","ItemCompass","ACE_Altimeter",""]],[["aceax_textureOptions",[]],["ace_earplugs",true]]] Sturrock face
  9. If you want to see yourself in screenshots in the upcoming future Please make sure to tell your face model outside of your exported kit so I can make sure that it looks like you from our ops otherwise your gear is all that you will see not the pretty little face you have chosen. Please keep it in Ace Arsenal so that we are uniform in kits.
  10. WARNING ORDER Operation Restore Hope 003 Somalia Southern Somalia - January 2020 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0600 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Somalia 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Plains Last week we silenced a mortar team and several spotters which were harrassing the airfield. Additionally, we utilized a double agent and extracted vital intel on an IED Factory located in Wondori, additionally, intel suggested we were to be counter attacked by Al-Shibab forces which was successfully repelled. Last week we lost a Humvee to enemy fire. It is in a recoverable state. Salvage it if you would like. Due to the nature and terrain of the airfield, and our low manpower, Command has suggested the construction of one or two fighting positions on the west-southwest side of the airstrip. Please construct this. While we lack manpower, we have high mobility and would be able to construct multile fighting posititions which we could relocate the various vehicles to fend off enemy attacks as needed. Resupply is coming in this morning. You may requisition one package. 3 x M1240A1 MRAP (Eletronic Warfare Suit & RPG Cages - M240 - M2 - Mk19 1 x M1132 SMP Stryker Minesweeper & 1 x Static Weapon Package 1x AH-6 Littlebird &1 x MH-6 Little Bird 1 x UH-60 Blackhawk & 1 x Drone Package Choose one, you will be able to request the rest in future operations. At midnight, we are planning to conduct a raid on Wondori, to locate and destroy the IED Factory. Do not focus on clearing the town of hostiles, but instead gather intelligence if possible during the day, conduct a hit and run raid on the factory by night. Al-Shabab is believed to lack any night optics cababilities. LASTLY, we have a change in the ROE. Last weekend, during the assault on Chouwari, and the previous week while clearing Karaye, we inflicting heavy civilian casualties. These will no longer be tolerated. For today, No engagement of any individual, vehicle, structure, or group is authorized without explicit approval from higher command unless there is an immediate and undeniable threat to friendly forces or civilians. Direct communication with the Operations Command Center (OCC) is mandatory for all requests to engage. Include detailed intelligence, situational reports, and a clear assessment of the threat. Positive identification (PID) remains a prerequisite. Higher command will assess whether the individual or entity demonstrates a confirmed hostile act or intent before granting authorization. Tonights Raid will be conducted within a civilian populated area; however, after reviewing the intelligence gather and verified from last week, OOC has labeled Wondori a Designated Engagement Area. The DEA is classified as a hostile area; however, indiscriminate fire is prohibited. Engagement of all armed individuals is authorized, provided they are not showing clear signs of surrender or carrying medical or humanitarian insignia. Civilians in the DEA must be presumed present unless intelligence confirms otherwise. Exercise extreme caution to avoid collateral damage. Structures, vehicles, or equipment suspected of housing or being used by hostile forces may be targeted if PID is confirmed. Capture Over Kill: Where feasible, prioritize capturing hostile forces for intelligence purposes rather than neutralizing them. a. Enemy Disposition Unknown b. Friendly Disposition Danab Brigade c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps of the Province: *How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in. Map of the AO: Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat. Bring this in your kit ITEM - Zippo if you want to burn the huts When burning a hut make sure to stand back, and let one person burn the hut, as to avoid friendly fire. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION SFOD - A (AFRICOM) Recover Humvee. Towing is possible Request and recieve resupply package Construct fighting positions for vehicles. Conduct recon of Wondori At 0100 rapid the IED Factory in Wondori. Do not worry about capturing and clearing the town, instead seek to locate and destroy the IED Factory and exfil. 71st Assault Helicopter Company Will be fighting on the ground with Infantry ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Call Signs "Mako Six", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako One-Six", SSG D. Jordan "Mako One-Six Romeo", SSG A. Cummings "Mako One-One" SGT R. Kris "Mako One-Two" SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler One-Six" 2LT K. Grorud Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/
  11. OPERATION ORDER Operation Silent Resolve 001 West Tanoa - 7th Groop - Tuvanaka - 2024 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST 5.25.22 ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Tanoa 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 97F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Mountainous c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Require authorization & PID, before High Explosives are cleared within 200 meters of a village. 2. MISSION Recon of target area and capture or kill of all HVT's 3. EXECUTION MAP OF THE AO PHASE I a. At 1930 EST, 1st Platoon will load into the landing zone. b. From there 1st Platoon will take up their battle positions on the beach and prepare insert. c. We have 2 possible locations for HVT meeting. Either Tuvanaka or belfort. d. 1st platoon will find a infiltration point to the island and make their was to Comms Whiskey unditected. e. 1st Platoon will set clear any threats and rig tower to blow. f. 1st Platoon will recon both town and locat HVT's meeting site. g. Once HVT meeting site 1st Platoon will conduct a capture or kill mission on the HVT's. h. After completing 1st Platoon will move to Tuvanaka Airfield and capture and clear the airfield so that NATO forces may set a staging ground for future operations. i. 1st Platoon will maintain security of Airfied until allies are notified and arrive at the airfield and begin emplacing Nato assets. j. Engagement & Disengagement criteria for HVT's: 1: If HVT's are unarmed they are to be captured alive and returned to the airfield. 2: If HVT's are armed normal ROE's apply. PHASE II - ENDEX A. 1st Platoon will ENDEX. 4. SERVICE SUPPORT None 5. COMMAND AND SIGNAL Succession of Command: 1LT J. Kauffman > SSG D. Jordan > SSG K. Kersemeier Call Signs "Mako 6", SP7 N. Bobcat "Mako 1-6", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-6R", SSG A. Cummings "Mako 1-1", SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2", SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler 1-6", 2LT K. Grorud Radio FREQs "Command Net" - FREQ 60.0 "Aviation Platoon Net" - FREQ 50.0 "CAS/Dust off Net" - FREQ 45.0 "Infantry Platoon Net" - FREQ - 40.0 Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/ Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative Red = Enemy/Negative Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position 6. COMMANDER'S NOTES SQUAD LEADERS, make sure your all of your men pack 1 x Personal Aid Kit, 1 x 500ml Blood Bag, REQUEST FORM TRANSPORTATION (INFIL.): [] Land [x] Sea [] Air PAX: 15 VEH. TYPE: Small Boat TRANSPORTATION (EXFIL.): [] Land [] Sea [] Air PAX: VEH. TYPE: N/A ADDITIONAL ITEMS: [] Resupply [] Fire Support [X] Other: Medevac/Reinsert WILL CAS BE NEEDED?: [] Yes [X] No [] Emergency Only Any questions please send them to SP7 N. Bobcat inbox, I'll get back to you ASAP
  12. WARNING ORDER Operation Silent Resolve 001 Battle for Tuvanaka Tuvanaka Island - Tanoa - August 2024 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0600 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Tanoa 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Mountains and Forests Following years of instability and insurgency in “Tanoa”, a strategically important post-Soviet republic, the world powers are trying to maintain a fragile peace. However, a nationalist military faction, secretly backed by a neighboring superpower, begins an insurrection against the government. NATO, spearheaded by a U.S. led coalition, is deployed to prevent the destabilization of the region, while various rogue militias and insurgents complicate the situation. U.S. green berets have been deployed on a remote island to establish a foot hold for NATO forces to begin installing a democratic government on the island of Tanoa. Our Job tonight take the island of Tuvanaka, capturing the airfield to the north, and to either capture or kill the three key Nationalist leaders promoting instability in the region! a. Enemy Disposition Massing local fighters and pmc's have been spotted around the two town and airfield of Tuvanaka. b. Friendly Disposition Nato Coalition Forces c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps of the Province: *How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in. Map of the AO: Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION Green Berets Our team will move to infiltrate the island of Tuvanaka off the western coast of Tanoa and begin their reconassince and assult of the viligaes and airfield. Our Objective is to identify the three key leaders located in either the city of Tuvanaka or the city of Belfort and well as capture the airfield to the north of Tuvanaka to allow for a open supply line and reinforcements form the NATO forces. The Nationalist leaders will have comms with the main land of Tanoa until the leaders are either nutrilized or the Comms tower located on hill 172 has been destroyed. After completeing the primary mission you will maitain security of the airfield and await the U.S. Forces arrival at the airfield and begin emplacing a FOB on site. Bring extra satchels in case we have to blow any other targets of opertunity. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Call Signs "Mako Six", SP7 N. Bobcat "Mako One-Six", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako One-Six Romeo", SSG A. Cummings "Mako One-One" SSG D. Jordan "Mako One-Two" SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler One-Six" 2LT K. Grorud Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/
  13. WARNING ORDER Operation Battle of Kiev 004 Battle of Kiev Resevoir Kiev Oblast - Ukrainian Northern Front - March 2022 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0600 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Hostomel Airport 10km from Kiev 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Plains Hostemol Airport has been siezed an occupied by Russian Armor and Paratroopers. Several Divisions of Russian troops have broken through our lines and are barreling down towards Kiev from the North. The Convoys of troops, supplies, and armor stretches for 40kms. Our task now is to travel north behind enemy lines and destroy the Zaporizhzhia Power Plant's Dam, in an attempt to send the entire Kiev Resevoir down the Dnieper, creating a barrier to the Russian Advance. Ukrainian Spetznaz have been deployed behind enemy lines to destroy the dam. Our Job tonight as the secondary team is to create a diversion and tie up enemy quick reaction forces east of the damn, while the Alpha Team moves into plant charges and destroy the dam. As soon as the dam is broken move to higher ground immediately! a. Enemy Disposition Two Flights of 34 Helicopters have been spotted flying toward Hostomel Airpor b. Friendly Disposition Charlie Team Spetznaz Alpha Team Spetznaz c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps of the Province: *How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in. Map of the AO: Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat. Bring this in your kit ITEM - Zippo if you want to burn the huts When burning a hut make sure to stand back, and let one person burn the hut, as to avoid friendly fire. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION Ukrainian Spetznaz Our team will move to rendevous with Charlie Team, who have been reconning our approach to our objective. Link up and they will give you intel on enemy positions and patrols during your movement to the OBJ. Our Objective is to cut off a Company of Russians billeted a Kilo east of the dam. We will destroy a key bridge & chop trees on the only other road out of town, forcing them up to your fortified positions on the clifs above. This will tie up Russian QRF for the force guarding the Zaporizhzhia Power Plant. After tieing down and delaying the enemy QRF long enough for the Alpha team to infil, place charges on the dam, and retreat, then you may break contact and retreat to the hills. Bring extra satchels in case we have to blow any of the other bridges or if the Alpha team fails to blow the dam. 71st Assault Helicopter Company Will be fighting on the ground with Infantry for the first half. Drones will be available to conduct recon or strike soft targets. (Drones cannot destroy the Dam. Not enough charges) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Call Signs "Mako Six", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako One-Six", SSG D. Jordan "Mako One-Six Romeo", SSG A. Cummings "Mako One-One" SGT R. Kris "Mako One-Two" SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler One-Six" 2LT K. Grorud Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/
  14. WARNING ORDER Operation Battle of Kiev 002 Battle of Hostemol Airport Kiev Oblast - Ukrainian Northern Front - Feb 2022 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0600 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Hostomel Airport 10km from Kiev 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Plains On February 24th, 2022 Russia rapidly invaded Ukraine. In the openning days the Russians sought a knock out blow to destroy the Ukrainian Government and crumble all organized resistance. 68 helicopters landed a battalion of Russian paratroopers on Hostomel Airport on February 24th, intended to open the airfield so that heavy weapons, vehicles, and thousands of soldiers could be airlifted just 10km from Kiev in an attempt to over run the capital. On the morning of February 24th, The Ukrainian military was in disarray admist missile and airstrikes from the invasion. The majority of the national guard units around Hostomel Airport had been mustered and moved away from the airfield, leaving only a company of soldiers left to defend the airport from the VDV Air Assault. This company of Ukrainian Conscripts were poorly equipped and were also only supply troops and firefighters. These men would be pushed off the airfield, but would counter attack once reinforced by elements of the 79th Rapid Reaction Brigade and would attempt to retake the airport. After a successful counter attack, Russian Armored forces arrived by the following day, in which the Ukrainian Forces after fierce fighting were once again pushed off of the airport and forced to retreat. a. Enemy Disposition Two Flights of 34 Helicopters have been spotted flying toward Hostomel Airpor b. Friendly Disposition 71st AHC 79th Rapid Reaction Brigade will arrive within an hour c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps of the Province: *How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in. Map of the AO: Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat. Bring this in your kit ITEM - Zippo if you want to burn the huts When burning a hut make sure to stand back, and let one person burn the hut, as to avoid friendly fire. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION Ukrainian National Guard Ukrainian National Guard troops will man two ZSU-23-2 Anti-aircraft guns & 2 Igla MANPADS to defend Hostomel Airport. Ukrainian National Guard troops will pull back after landings and center their defense on the National Guard Barracks, and if needed pull back into the city until elements of the 79th Rapid Reaction Brigade arrive to counter attack. Russian Armored Elements are pushing south rapidly from the Belarussian border and are expected to arrive to the battle. 71st Assault Helicopter Company Will be fighting on the ground with Infantry for the first half. Once Reinforcements arrive a single Mi-24 will be made available for the counter attack on the airfield. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Call Signs "Mako Six", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako One-Six", SSG D. Jordan "Mako One-Six Romeo", SSG A. Cummings "Mako One-One" SGT R. Kris "Mako One-Two" SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler One-Six" 2LT K. Grorud Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/
  15. WARNING ORDER Operation Wilderness 004 The Bra - South Vietnam - 1968 Actual LRRP Company attached to the 1/7th Cavalry Regiment ~ Khe Sanh 1968 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0600 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: The Bra, South Vietnam 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Plains, Jungle Last week we defended Xayden, but suffered losses. 1 x Spooky Gunship was lost while providing air support for the LRRP. Our objectives tonight are to locate the spooky crash, recover pilots, destroy the wreckage. Phase II will involve scouting the river bed for the Anti-Air batteries that took the spooky down, once located the LRRP will attempt to destroy them. a. Enemy Disposition Unknown Regiment of PAVN Fighters Logistics Companies transporting Arms through the Valley to Saigon b. Friendly Disposition 71st AHC 1xCompany of 1/7th Cavalry Troops to secure and operate FSB Striker. c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps of the Province: *How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in. Map of the AO: Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat. Bring this in your kit ITEM - Zippo if you want to burn the huts When burning a hut make sure to stand back, and let one person burn the hut, as to avoid friendly fire. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION 17th Long Range Reconnaissance Company, A-Team, 1/7th Cavalry Last week we defended Xayden, but suffered losses. 1 x Spooky Gunship was lost while providing air support for the LRRP. Our objectives tonight are to locate the spooky crash, recover pilots, destroy the wreckage. Phase II will involve scouting the river bed for the Anti-Air batteries that took the spooky down, once located the LRRP will attempt to destroy them. 71st Assault Helicopter Company Will be transporting Artillery into Camp Striker. Will be on standby to assist A-Team with resupply and close air support. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Call Signs "Mako Six", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako One-Six", SSG D. Jordan "Mako One-Six Romeo", SSG A. Cummings "Mako One-One" SGT R. Kris "Mako One-Two" SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler One-Six" 2LT K. Grorud Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/
  16. WARNING ORDER Operation Wilderness 003 The Bra - South Vietnam - 1968 Actual LRRP Company attached to the 1/7th Cavalry Regiment ~ Khe Sanh 1968 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0600 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: The Bra, South Vietnam 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Plains, Jungle Last week we captured an enemy Radio. Throughout the week our interpreters have been listening to enemy communications, and it has become clear that they are massing a troop of raw recruits for an assault. We suspect they are referring to a company's worth of men. We have not yet deciphered their code words, We are unsure of where they will attack. We suspect either they are planning an attack on Camp Striker or possibly a retaliation against the Civilians who you saved last week. Those Civilians have fled to the mountainous town of Xayden and have set up a fortified position. Your job tonight will be to sneak across the river and attempt to capture a valuable prisoner, like an officer or NCO, or raw intelligence in the form of a written order. Once this is done, we will know where they will attack. You will then join in the defense of the target, either joining the line or setting up ambushes ahead of the target, before falling back to join in the defense. If the target is Camp Striker, we have a platoon's worth of Army Corps of Engineers to provide perimeter defense. If the target is Xayden, they only have a handful of armed Militiamen to defend the target, and will require your full support. a. Enemy Disposition Unknown Regiment of PAVN Fighters Logistics Companies transporting Arms through the Valley to Saigon b. Friendly Disposition 71st AHC 1xCompany of 1/7th Cavalry Troops to secure and operate FSB Striker. c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps of the Province: *How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in. Map of the AO: Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat. Bring this in your kit ITEM - Zippo if you want to burn the huts When burning a hut make sure to stand back, and let one person burn the hut, as to avoid friendly fire. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION 17th Long Range Reconnaissance Company, A-Team, 1/7th Cavalry LRRP A-Team will sneak across the river and aquire intelligence or a valuable prisoner, to determine where the enemy will attack. Then will join in the defense of the target. 71st Assault Helicopter Company Will be transporting Artillery into Camp Striker. Will be on standby to assist A-Team with resupply and close air support. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Call Signs "Mako Six", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako One-Six", SSG A. Cummings "Mako One-One" SGT R. Kris "Mako One-Two" SGT V. Handberg "Rattler One-Six" 2LT K. Grorud Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/
  17. WARNING ORDER Operation Wilderness 001 The Bra - South Vietnam - 1968 Actual LRRP Company attached to the 1/7th Cavalry Regiment ~ Khe Sanh 1968 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0600 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: The Bra, South Vietnam 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 38F ; Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0415 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Plains, Jungle The Year is 1968, the Tet Offensive Rages across South Vietnam. After three months of intense fighting, US Forces are spread thin. The majority of US and ARVN Ground forces are already committed to the Sieges of Khe Sanh, Da Nang, Hue City, Saigon, and the DMZ. With limited manpower and resources at its disposal, the US Army seeks to generate large gains by utilizing the highly effective rangers of the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol Companies. A LRRP Platoon consisting of eighteen men, A single Six man recon team, and a hatchet force of twelve men. These LRRP Platoons were often sent out on patrols deep into enemy territory for months at a time to fight a guerrilla war against the PAVN and Viet Cong main force units, Averaging a body count of 400 enemy combatants killed for one ranger of an LRRP Platoon. During the course of the war, LRRP's confirmed over 10,000 enemies killed. For this campaign, we will be playing the part of an LRRP Platoon, attached to the 1/7th Cavalry, tasked with infiltrating enemy territory in the region known as "The Bra". This region is occupied by a regiment of PAVN Regulars, where men are trained to join to the on going assault on Khe Sanh Airbase, and where supplies are transported along its many concealed roadways. Our Long Range Recconassaince Patrol Platoon has limited Support and manpower but is expected to wage a guerrilla war against this unknown PAVN Regiment. The LRRP's objectives are as follows, 1. Gather intelligence on the PAVN Regiment, who they are, what are they doing, where do they train their men, where do they transfer their supplies, where are their munition stockpiles, where do they sleep, where does their food come from, how many of them are there in the Bra, do they have artillery and anti-air. 2. Establish Fire Support Base Striker to house 3 x 105mm Artillery guns & 6 Helicopters for the 71st AHC, to offer support for the LRRP in the Field. 3. Establish several temporary concealed shelters and fortified bases across the Bra, for the LRRP to operate out of across the entire map. 4. Disrupt and Destroy and Hamper all enemy operations in the valley. If they are transporting men and munitions, ambush them, mine the roads, secure prisoners for interrogation, sneak into their barracks and kill them while they sleep, plant explosives in the center of their training areas, booby trap their armories, find and clear their tunnels, destroy their radios, kill their commanders, cut off their food supplies, find and destroy their anti-aircraft guns, artillery, communications arrays. 5. Draw large groups of PAVN regulars out in the open, for several pitched battles. Draw them into your concealed fortified prepared positions to be cut down by your small arms, claymores, booby traps, sniper ambushes, and lastly into the open where our artillery and air support can make up for our lack of numbers. Be prepared to remain in the field during the entirety of the Campaign, you cannot rely on helicopter transport to and from the Fire Support Base each mission, unless you want Anti-Air Craft guns, and platoons of PAVN regulars to be upon you, in their LZ's. Be prepared to build concealed fortified camps in the jungle, several times during the campaign. Be prepared to conduct Emergency Action Drills, similar to our MACV Campaigns, you will be vastly outnumbered, with limited support. 71st AHC will have 3x105mm Artillery Guns, 3xUH-1 Huey Slicks, 3x Gunships, 1xChinook, 2xFixed Wing for the entire campaign. If an aircraft or gun is lost, it will need to be salvaged by 71st AHC & LRRP in order to be used next mission, otherwise it is lost for the entire campaign. a. Enemy Disposition Unknown Regiment of PAVN Fighters Logistics Companies transporting Arms through the Valley to Saigon b. Friendly Disposition 71st AHC 1xCompany of 1/7th Cavalry Troops to secure and operate FSB Striker. c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps of the Province: *How to Zoom in: Open spoiler> Right click on photo > Open image in new tab > Congrats, you can now zoom in. Map of the AO: Base Area 316 (South of River) Villages (North of River) Site for FSB Striker Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 60.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Expect the enemy to utilize grenades when in close combat. Bring this in your kit ITEM - Zippo if you want to burn the huts When burning a hut make sure to stand back, and let one person burn the hut, as to avoid friendly fire. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION 17th Long Range Reconnaissance Company, A-Team, 1/7th Cavalry LRRP A-Team will land at an LZ of their choosing and investigate two villages in the vicinity of OBJ Striker, in an attempt to recon the area's surrounding the potential FSB Striker, and to determine the extent and the reach of the PAVN Regiment, north of the River. A-Team will then move to OBJ Striker, survey the area, and provide security while Rattler's transport men and material for security and the establishment of a temporary fire support base. 71st Assault Helicopter Company Will Insert A-Team LRRP into the Bra. Will be transporting Artillery, Supplies, and Men into OBJ Striker for the establishment of a Temporary Firebase. Will be on standby to assist A-Team with resupply and close air support. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Call Signs "Mako Six", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako One-Six", SSG D. Jordan "Mako One-One" SGT R. Kris "Mako One-Two" SSG K. Kersemeier "Rattler One-Six" 2LT K. Grorud Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/
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