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RET T. Kolven

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Everything posted by RET T. Kolven

  1. until

    Since I still have my girl over and I'm stil struggeling with my addons to an crazy amount, I'l guess I just format windows, it's long overdue and be ready for next week. I wish you the best of luck in your op
  2. until

    I'm unable to attend due to having a visitior who's a lot more happy when i'm not at the pc, a few more days.
  3. Looking forwards to liberate some french girls On a serious note, I'm having issues with the ww2 pack, i did exactly the same as the 'nam pack and updatet that reposetory, but my pc has been in the "checking files..." screen since i went to bed last night. Reposetories, paste link->Connect to reposetory->Check for addons. and nothing changed in 7 hours. Is that a issue on my side or on the rep side? Had no such issue with the 'nam pack and even updated it before i started with the ww2 one. Grorud mentioned a post with a guide but I've not found that one as of writing this. Cheers. pv2 Kolven.
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