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    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      There has been an update to our Mod Repo's

      Size of update ~600mb

      Added to all Repo's:
      @ADVSplint - v1.1.6
      @AdvRapel - v1.3
      @GRAD - v1.5.5.2
      @TFARAnims - v231018

      Added to Unsung Repo:
      @USPacks - v1.03

      Added to OP's (WW2) Repo:
      @USEquip - v1.07

      Updated on All Repos:
      @task_force_radio_live - v1.-1.0.312 - (Do not forget to update the TS plugin, plugin is in the mod folder and needs copying to your TS3 plugins folder, video tutorial for this can be found here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYqsYgGU_LY
      @st_hud - v1.2.4

      Updated on OP's (WW2) Repo:
      @Sab_Secret_Weapons - v2.97

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      There has been an update to our Mod Repo's

      Size of update ~825mb

      OPs Repo Updated:
      @IFA3_AIO_LITE - IFA3_AIO_LITE_2019_02_14_preview_v33
      @I44_Terrains - v33
      @WakeIsland - v1.21

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

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