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    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      There has been an update to our Mod Repo

      @task_force_radio_test - v1.045 - This is a new version of TFR, it has many bug fixes etc but needs testing. We have replaced @task_force_radio with this so we are able to test. You need to install the new TS plugin, this can be done by doing the repo update and then going to the @task_force_radio_test folder and going to the plugins folder. Click on the plugin to install.

      @CBA_A3 - v3.4.0.170627 - Bug fixes and improvements.

      @ZombieMiniOp - No longer needed.
      @ALIVE - v1.3.6.1706261 - Creating bugs with Unsung, removed for now.

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      There has been an update to our Mod Repo

      @Prei - v0.4 - New map based in cambodia.

      This is a large update at around 1gb.

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      There has been an update to our Mod Repo

      @ACE - Updated to v3.10.1 - Fix for grenades and goggles. Fixes for new Malden DLC.

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

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