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    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      Uniforms are here!

      Starting from today going forward, every member who passes probation is given a uniform on their personal solider page (Access your soldier page @ PERSCOM > Roster > (Your Name).
      These uniforms have been made and up to date as of 8/14/17. In order to get an updated uniform, go to Base Camp > Uniform Update. Request an updated uniform once you have ranked up or you have earned a medal etc...

      Website Imaging Team

    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      There has been an update to our Mod Repo

      @AdvCPR_UAT - v1.3.3

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

    • Attention Members of 1st Cavalry Division


      There has been an update to our Mod Repo

      Added for UAT Testing:
      @AdvCPR_UAT - v1.3.3
      @NoAiHints_UAT - v1.1

      @Testing - Testing folder has been removed. Any mods that are under testing will have the UAT tag on the end of their mod folder name.

      Don't forget to defrag your system after the update to improve performance. This is not needed if your games runs from an SSD.

      Any questions please contact a member of the team.

      Server Administration Team

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