SGT V. Handberg
1st Cavalry Division-
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About SGT V. Handberg
- Birthday 04/02/1989
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Operation Title: Operation Enduring Freedom 03 Team(S) Reporting: 1st Cavalry Division Map: Lythium Primary Task: Man Checkpoint Eagle Secondary Task: Serve as QRF For other friendly forces Time Of Operation: 12/05/2020 Attendees: 1LT J. Kauffman, 2LT K. Grorud, CW2 T. Sadler, SSG A. Cummings, SSG D. Jordan, SSG V. Handberg, SGT B. Snurka, SP8 T. Wolfe, PFC K. Kersemeier, PV2 R. Kris, SP5 K. McCahill, GUEST E. Sands, WO2 J. Rob, SP6 J. Chardi
Operation Order Operation Enduring Freedom 003 Afghanistan - Kandahar Province ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 0800 Zulu ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Kandahar District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan 2. WEATHER: Partially Cloudy, 85F (30C); Wind 5kn NNW; Dawn 0620 IGT; Dusk 1850 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Rural Countryside ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SITUATION: Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, 2020. Afghanistan remains an active warzone as US forces continue their withdrawal from the country. Despite this, many challenges remain for the Afghan government and its people, especially this year with the outbreak of COVID-19. Many countries across the world have been impacted by the virus, including Afghanistan and its neighbors. With limited resources available to contain the spread, the Afghan government has called upon the United Nations and other associated NGOs, as well as the remaining US forces in the region to help minimize the spread and expand testing capabilities. In order to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the local government in Kandahar has restricted access to the international airport in the city. Checkpoints guarded by local ANA forces have been setup along multiple routes of entry and egress across the outskirts of the city. Similar checkpoints have also been setup across several main highways in the region. Each of these checkpoints also provides COVID-19 testing capabilities, courtesy of the International Development & Aid Project (IDAP). The local Kandahar government has requested US forces to assist in managing one of the major checkpoints in the region. 1st Platoon will ensure all vehicles and personnel entering the checkpoint are thoroughly examined and receive COVID testing if necessary. c. 2020 - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy insurgent forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. N/A 2. MISSION 1st Platoon's primary objective will be to deploy from COP Shield to CP Eagle via a Presence patrol, and help manage the checkpoints into CP Eagle, where COVID vaccination is being performed. 1st Squad is manning the Northern Checkpoint, 2nd Squad is manning the Southern Checkpoint. When 1st Platoon is relieved, we will either airlift back to base to stand by as a QRF Force, or assist any friendly forces where needed. 3. EXECUTION MAP OF THE AO PHASE I - Preparation 1st Platoon will gear up and get ready to be airlifted to COP Shield, all personnel MUST wear facemasks or similar apparel covering their mouth and nose. PHASE II - Presence Patrol Conduct a safe and methodical Presence patrol on foot from COP Shield to CP Eagle. All soldiers are to act in a professional and friendly manner. PHASE III - Checkpoint Duty 1st Squad proceeds to the Northern Checkpoint, 2nd Squad to the southern checkpoint. If any situation arises that Squad Leaders can't handle they are to radio Mako 1-6 and ask for directions. PHASE IV - QRF If nothing happens we are to stand by for evac from CP Eagles helipad, and standby at COP Shield as QRF Forces. PHASE V - ENDEX Teams will call be extracted back to FOB Sword from whatever position they find themself in, in the safest manner possible. **Special Instructions** - All requests for fire will come to the Platoon Leader first. - Reinserts will be done via helicopter. If you die, it may be some time before you are returned to the fight, so be careful. - All members will carry 1 x Personal Aid Kit, 1 x 500ml Blood, 1 Face Cover 4. SERVICE SUPPORT 71st Company, 145th Combat Aviation Battalion 5. COMMAND AND SIGNAL Succession of Command: 1LT J. Kauffman > SSG V. Handberg > SSG D. Jordan Call Signs "Mako 6", CW2 T. Sadler "Mako 1-6", 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-6R", SSG A. Cummings "Mako 1-1", SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2", SSG V. Handberg "Rattler 1-6", 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-1", CW2 T. Sadler "Rattler 1-3", WO1 J. Rob "Rattler 1-4", N/A Radio FREQs "Command Net" - FREQ 60.0 "Aviation Platoon Net" - FREQ 50.0 "CAS/Dust off Net" - FREQ 45.0 "Infantry Platoon Net" - FREQ - 40.0 Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/ Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative Red = Enemy/Negative Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position 6. COMMANDER'S NOTES SQUAD LEADERS, make sure your all of your men pack 1 x Personal Aid Kit, 1 x 500ml Blood Bag, and wear a Face mask or similar. REQUEST FORM TRANSPORTATION (INFIL.): [] Land [] Sea [X] Air PAX: ~15 VEH. TYPE: CH-47 TRANSPORTATION (EXFIL.): [] Land [] Sea [X] Air PAX: ~15 VEH. TYPE: CH-47 ADDITIONAL ITEMS: [X] Resupply [] Fire Support [X] Other: Medevac/Reinsert WILL CAS BE NEEDED?: [] Yes [] No [X] Emergency Only
Operation Order Operation Jeb Stuart 002 South Vietnam - I Corps - Quang Tri - Da Krong Valley ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION OPERATION TIME: 1900 EST IN-GAME TIME: 1200 IGT ORGANIZATION: 1. REGION: Quang Tri Province, I Corps, South Vietnam 2. WEATHER: Clear Skies; 112F (32C); Wind <1kn NNE; Dawn 0515 IGT; Dusk 1900 IGT 3. TERRAIN: Mountainous, Triple Layer Canopy, Large River Valleys In May 1968 U.S. replacements surge into Vietnam to fill the shoes of the 24,000 US Casualties in the aftermath of the Tet Offensive. Search and Destroy operations are launched all across the countryside, in an attempt to retake lost ground, root the enemy's supplies out of their holes, and destroy what remains of the Viet Cong in South Vietnam. After assisting US Marines with their efforts around Hue City, the 1/7th Cav is being sent back to the 1st Cavalry Divisions base area in the Da Krong Valley. While the majority of the Cavalry troopers were deployed across I. Corps over the past four months, the enemy has reoccupied the areas that the 1st Cavalry had been forced to abandoned. An unknown Viet Cong Battalion augmented with a company of elite sappers & anti-air contingent have fortified the valley, and control the mountains on the eastern bank of the Song Thach River as well as the southern portion of the valley where Camp Sarge proudly used to sit. Camp Savage, the battalion's primary airstrip has been manned by a skeleton crew since the battalion left during Tet; Due to 1/7th CAV's inability to mount regular patrols sweeping the surrounding mountain sides, Camp Savage receives indirect fire around the clock. In addition to the IDF, snipers regularly pick off any members of base security that are stupid enough to raise their heads above their foxholes, and sapper's crawl through the wire every night, tossing satchels and grenades into manned bunkers. Only a contingent of roughly 30 men, mainly comprised of inexperienced rear echelon troops maintain base security. The majority of aircraft stationed there have been destroyed, the remaining birds and aircrews have been evacuated to 2/7th Battalion's base camp further north. Other than base security, all that remains is the remnants of the supply company, and a battery of 155mm howitzers running counter battery operations & providing a shield for the signal platoon stationed at radio relay vandergrift. While evacuating the battalion surgeon and his patients, 2nd Platoon, 71st AHC reported taking copious amounts of 51. caliber anti-air craft fire from the hills east of Song Thach's River & Hill 176. A no fly zone has been established accordingly. a. Enemy Disposition Battalion of Viet Cong Guerrillas ~400 Viet Cong irregulars spread across the hills of the valley. Company of Elite Sappers have been spotted operating in the area. Anti-Air emplacements located on on the hilltops east of the Song Thach River & South of Hill 176 Possible Enemy action Expect Sapper attacks on Camp Sarge & Traps in surrounding area. Expect enemy to occupy many of the forested hills, rather than the villages and open areas. c. 1960s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. 2. MISSION 1st Platoon: Our Primary Mission is to Search and Destroy around Camp Savage to stop attacks on the camp, starting with the immediate surroundings, then branching out. Our Secondary Mission is to help defend the Camp itself. 71st AHC: Primary Mission: Provide Transport and Logistical services for 1st Platoon. Secondary Mission: Provide Recon for 1st Platoon within safe distance from enemy AAA. Tertiary Mission: Provide Close Air Support for 1st platoon within safe distance from enemy AAA. 3. EXECUTION -Rattler Elements will be transporting 1st Platoon to LZ Wadsworth as soon as the platoon is Combat Ready. When 1st Platoon has landed and possibly fought off any ambushes, we will start doing a patrol around the hilltop, while being prepared to return fire at any moment. We are conducting a Search and Destroy, so be on the lookout for hostile staging grounds and hostile forces, and destroy anything you come over. Depending on what we find, we may or may not complete the whole patrol route. -Make sure we do a Halt after each patrol stage, and do a headcount. It's easy to lose people in the jungle. -When our patrol is over, our job is to continue our Search and Destroy in other parts of the Valley, if no new Intel comes up we will send out Patrols to the villages south of Camp Savage, keeping in mind that these villages may or may not support the local Guerrilla. Any further beyond this will be field planned for. -Keep in mind we may be re-routed to help defend Camp Savage if necessary, route back to Camp will be planned for whenever the need arises, keeping in mind that the shortest route may be on foot. MAP OF THE AO **Special Instructions** - All requests for fire will come to the Platoon Leader first. - Reinserts will not be Via teleport. Be very careful. If you die, Reinserts will be done via helicopter, and will take some time. - We will be running medevacs. All personnel are to carry 1 Personal Aid Kit (PAK) on them. If they are wounded they get one chance to be PAK'd in the field, after that, if wounded a second time, that soldier is to be medevac'd to a medical facility. 4. SERVICE SUPPORT 71st Company, 145th Combat Aviation Battalion 5. COMMAND AND SIGNAL Succession of Command: SSG V. Handberg -> SSG A. Cummings -> CPL B. Snurka Call Signs "Mako 1-6", SSG V. Handberg "Mako 1-1", SSG A. Cummings "Mako 1-2", CPL B. Snurka "Rattler 1-6", 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-1", CW2 T. Sadler "Rattler 1-3", WOC L. Savoy "Rattler 1-4", WOC S. Foose Radio FREQs "Command Net" - FREQ 60.0 "Aviation Platoon Net" - FREQ 50.0 "CAS/Dust off Net" - FREQ 45.0 "Infantry Platoon Net" - FREQ - 40.0 Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/ Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative Red = Enemy/Negative Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position 6. COMMANDER'S NOTES -Be wary of Traps and Mines, elite sappers are reported to be in the AO REQUEST FORM TRANSPORTATION (INFIL.): [] Land [] Sea [X] Air PAX: ~15 VEH. TYPE: UH-1H TRANSPORTATION (EXFIL.): [] Land [] Sea [X] Air PAX: ~30 VEH. TYPE: N/A ADDITIONAL ITEMS: [X] Resupply [] Fire Support [X] Other: Medevac/Reinsert WILL CAS BE NEEDED?: [] Yes [] No [X] Emergency Only
. I affirm that I have read and understood the rules of the match. 2. By signing up, I understand that we require at least 15 members to attend the event at all, so by signing up I agree that I'll be in attendance & at least 30 minutes early. 3. Desired Role on USMC: Pointman 4. Desired Role on PAVN: Pointman
WARNING ORDER Operation Liberation 01 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITUATION TIME: 27. July 1963 WEATHER: 80F (27C); Clear; Wind 0kn NNE; Dawn 0400 IGT; Dusk 2200 IGT (In Game Time) 1st Air Cav. is moving into previously lost territory, an airbase has been secured from which we will begin our task of retaking the area. a. Enemy Disposition NLF lightly armed irregulars, used as garrisons for less important sites. PAVN Forces, armed regulars both garrisoning important strategic sites and patrols. Enemy forces will have trucks and lightly armored vehicles, both armed and unarmed. b. Friendly Forces Garrison forces protecting the 1st Cav. Airbase c. 1970s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION Our mission is to establish a Forward Operating Base just North of 1st Cav. Airbase, and secure it's surroundings. Maps of the AO: Objectives 1st Platoon, A. Company, 1/7th Cavalry 1st Platoon is to clear ground for hostile troops. PRIMARY TASKING: Secure the surrounding area where we plan on building our FOB. SECONDARY TASKING: Clear out nearby hostile sites by priority. TERTIARY TASKING: Defend the FOB in construction if necessery. 71st Company, 145th Aviation Battalion 145th AHC is to support 1st Platoon in both securing sites and logistics surrounding the FOB building. PRIMARY TASKING: Provide Transport for 1st Platoon. SECONDARY TASKING: Provide logistical support for the FOB construction. TERTIARY TASKING: Provide close air support if needed. Notes from Commander: Bring Zip Ties, any surrendered hostiles are to be brought back to the FOB for questioning. All use of explosive weapons near civillian villages is to be authorized by the commanding officer, and avoided unless absolutely necessary. All found pallets pictured below are to be gathered up and brought back to an FOB by Rattlers. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT 71st Company Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Rotary Wing: 3x UH1H Slick 1x UH1C "Gunship" 1x UH1B Tow Helicopter 1x OH-6A Fixed Wing: 1x OV-10C Bronco Repairing: Destroyed: 1st Platoon Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Motorized: N/A Mechanized N/A Repairing: N/A Destroyed: N/A ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Succession of Command: To be Determined. Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative[/size] Red = Enemy/Negative[/size] Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required[/size] Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position[/size]
SGT V. Handberg is attending Operation Silent Furry(UNSUNG)
Warning Order Operation Gothic Serpent 03 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SITUATION Date and time: 09.30 03. October 1993 WEATHER: 84F (29C); Clear; Wind 15kn NNE; Dawn 1200 IGT; Dusk 2000 IGT 1st Cavalry Division is taking part in Operation Gothic Serpent, with the primary mission being the capture of the Somali National Alliance leader; Mohamed Farrah Aidid. We have gotten solid intel that one of Mohamed Farrah Aidids close Aides is located in a Mosque in the city of Mogadishu. We have been tasked with retrieving said man by quickly inserting through Blackhawk and taking him alive. Everyone will exfiltrate out by a Ground-escort convoy driven by another unit. Since this is a quick operation, no NVGs allowed. If by chance a helicopter goes down, 1st Platoon will divert to the crash site and secure any survivors, and await extraction. a. Enemy Disposition Irregular troops armed with small arms and RPGs. Motorized infantry with Technicals and improvised Attack vehicles. b. Friendly Forces Ground Escort Convoy. c. 1993s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Fire only when fired upon. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Unless you are fired upon by a combatant in an unoccupied building, structures are not to be engaged or targeted by heavy Ordinance including Mortars, Artillery, Armor, or any other forms of high explosives. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. MISSION Map of the AO: Aerial Photo of Target Mosque 71st AHC is tasked with providing Transport, Recon and Light Firesupport for 1st Platoon. All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 40.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Civillians are to be treated with respect and care. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. EXECUTION 1st Platoon, A. Company, 1/7th Cavalry 1st Platoon PRIMARY TASKING: Meet with the Village Elders SECONDARY TASKING: Attempt to Barter, reason or similar to acquire intel on Upper members of the SNA 71st Assault Helicopter Company PRIMARY TASKING: Provide support for 1st Platoon. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT 71st Assault Helicopter Company Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Aircraft: 2 times Armed AH-6M 1 times Unarmed MH-6M 5 times UH-60M Boats: Repairing: Destroyed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Succession of Command: Alpha Company HQ: SPC V. Handberg > 1LT J. Kauffman > 2LT K. Grorud 1st Platoon HQ: 1LT J. Kauffman > SFC D. Brown 1st Squad: SSG D. Jordan > SSG J. Hart 2nd Squad: SSG C. Mandingo > SSG D. Thompson 71st Company: 2LT K. Grorud > CW3 R. Hepker Pathfinders: SGT B. Snurka > SGT T. Sadler Call Signs "Mako 6" SPC V. Handberg "Mako 1-6" 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-7" SFC D. Brown "Mako 1-1" SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2" SSG C. Mandingo "Rattler 1-6" 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-2" CW3 R. Hepker "Firefly 1-1" SGT B. Snurka Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/[/size]Smoke Signals Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative Red = Enemy/Negative Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position Radio Frequencies Infantry Platoon Net ~ 40.0 CAS Net ~ 45.0 Aviation Platoon Net ~ 50.0 Command Net ~ 60.0
SSG A. Cummings reacted to a post in a topic: WARNO Operation Gothic Serpent 02(MODERN/BASE MODS)
Warning Order Operation Gothic Serpent 02 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SITUATION Date and time: 09.30 29.August 1993 WEATHER: 84F (29C); Clear; Wind 15kn NNE; Dawn 0600 IGT; Dusk 1800 IGT 1st Cavalry Division is taking part in Operation Gothic Serpent, with the primary mission being the capture of the Somali National Alliance leader; Mohamed Farrah Aidid. In this phase of the Operation our mission is to weaken the SNAs power and acquiring intel on their leaders position. TAKE NOTE: ROE states Fire when Fired upon, Some local Village Elders have hinted to having intel about Mohamed Farrah Aidid or his close aides, they have made it clear that they will not release this intel without getting something out of it. We have prepared food to barter with, and HMMWVs to transport it with. Go to the marked villages in Convoys and attempt to secure the intel. Be wary of attempts to set up ambushes along the roads, as well as the possibility for the Village Elders to lure you into an ambush. Notes: Harassing fire should be pushed through without direct engagement if no direct threat to the Convoy exists. a. Enemy Disposition Irregular troops armed with small arms and RPGs. Motorized infantry with Technicals. Armor, mostly BTR60 and similar - Low Probability IED and remote detonated explosive attacks - High Probability. b. Friendly Forces None c. 1993s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Fire only when fired upon. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Unless you are fired upon by a combatant in an unoccupied building, structures are not to be engaged or targeted by heavy Ordinance including Mortars, Artillery, Armor, or any other forms of high explosives. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. MISSION 1st Platoon is tasked acquiring intel from Village elders on marked locations. Map of the AO: 71st AHC is tasked with providing Transport, Recon and Light Firesupport for 1st Platoon. All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 40.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Civillians are to be treated with respect and care. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. EXECUTION 1st Platoon, A. Company, 1/7th Cavalry 1st Platoon PRIMARY TASKING: Meet with the Village Elders SECONDARY TASKING: Attempt to Barter, reason or similar to acquire intel on Upper members of the SNA 71st Assault Helicopter Company PRIMARY TASKING: Provide support for 1st Platoon. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT 71st Assault Helicopter Company Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Aircraft: 2 times Armed AH-6M 1 times Unarmed MH-6M 5 times UH-60M Boats: Repairing: Destroyed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Succession of Command: Alpha Company HQ: SPC V. Handberg > 1LT J. Kauffman > 2LT K. Grorud 1st Platoon HQ: 1LT J. Kauffman > SFC D. Brown 1st Squad: SSG D. Jordan > SSG J. Hart 2nd Squad: SSG C. Mandingo > SSG D. Thompson 71st Company: 2LT K. Grorud > CW3 R. Hepker Pathfinders: SGT B. Snurka > SGT T. Sadler Call Signs "Mako 6" SPC V. Handberg "Mako 1-6" 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-7" SFC D. Brown "Mako 1-1" SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2" SSG C. Mandingo "Rattler 1-6" 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-2" CW3 R. Hepker "Firefly 1-1" SGT B. Snurka Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/[/size]Smoke Signals Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative Red = Enemy/Negative Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position Radio Frequencies Infantry Platoon Net ~ 40.0 CAS Net ~ 45.0 Aviation Platoon Net ~ 50.0 Command Net ~ 60.0
Warning Order Operation Gothic Serpent 01 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SITUATION Date and time: 06.30 27. August 1993 WEATHER: 84F (29C); Clear; Wind 15kn NNE; Dawn 0600 IGT; Dusk 1800 IGT 1st Cavalry Division is taking part in Operation Gothic Serpent, with the primary mission being the capture of the Somali National Alliance leader; Mohamed Farrah Aidid. In this phase of the Operation our mission is to weaken the SNAs power and acquiring intel on their leaders position. TAKE NOTE: ROE states Fire when Fired upon, The whole operation will start with a Refresher on Rappelling from helicopters. a. Enemy Disposition Regular and irregular troops armed with small arms and RPGs. Motorized infantry with Technicals. Armor, mostly BTR60 and similar - Low Probability IED and remote detonated explosive attacks - Low probability b. Friendly Forces None c. 1993s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Fire only when fired upon. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Unless you are fired upon by a combatant in an unoccupied building, structures are not to be engaged or targeted by heavy Ordinance including Mortars, Artillery, Armor, or any other forms of high explosives. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. MISSION 1st Platoon is tasked with clearing out three different objectives, named Alfa, Bravo and Charlie. Mako 1-6 decides the order said objectives will be done in and if troops need to return to base to resupply. Map of the AO: Alfa Objective is a equipment cache of some sort and needs to be destroyed one way or another. Bravo Objective is a a High Value Target that should be taken alive, target is known to live and work in the building pictured below. Charlie Objective is reasonably sure to contain intel of some sort on the position of either Mohamed Farrah Aidid or men close to him. 71st AHC is tasked with providing Transport, Recon and Light Firesupport for 1st Platoon. All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 40.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. Civillians are to be treated with respect and care. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. EXECUTION 1st Platoon, A. Company, 1/7th Cavalry 1st Platoon PRIMARY TASKING: Go through basic Helicopter Rappelling refresh course. SECONDARY TASKING: Clear the objectives as ordered. 71st Assault Helicopter Company PRIMARY TASKING: Provide support for 1st Platoon. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT 71st Assault Helicopter Company Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Aircraft: Boats: Repairing: Destroyed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Succession of Command: Alpha Company HQ: SPC V. Handberg > 1LT J. Kauffman > 2LT K. Grorud 1st Platoon HQ: 1LT J. Kauffman > SFC D. Brown 1st Squad: SSG D. Jordan > SSG J. Hart 2nd Squad: SSG C. Mandingo > SSG D. Thompson 71st Company: 2LT K. Grorud > CW2 R. Hepker Pathfinders: SGT B. Snurka > SGT T. Sadler Call Signs "Mako 6" SPC V. Handberg "Mako 1-6" 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-7" SFC D. Brown "Mako 1-1" SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2" SSG C. Mandingo "Rattler 1-6" 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-2" CW2 R. Hepker "Firefly 1-1" SGT B. Snurka Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/[/size]Smoke Signals Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative Red = Enemy/Negative Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position Radio Frequencies Infantry Platoon Net ~ 40.0 CAS Net ~ 45.0 Aviation Platoon Net ~ 50.0 Command Net ~ 60.0
Warning Order Operation Delaware 04 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SITUATION Date and time: 30. Jan. 1968 07.00 WEATHER: 84F (29C); Clear; Wind 15kn NNE; Dawn 0600 IGT; Dusk 1800 IGT 1st Cavalry Division is close to chasing the NVA and VC forces in A Sầu valley away and preventing them from using the area as a logistical point, at least for some time. Scouts have seen NVA troops loading supplies up in trucks in the villages of Chamkar and Ohamkar, trying to escape to the west with the remaining supplies and weaponry. We suspect they may have more supplies stashed away in the area as well. a. Enemy Disposition All known heavy AA sites have been taken out, we suspect they have lighter AA weaponry stored underground. The PAVN is known to have armor in the area Friendly Marines have been met with artillery bombardments in battles in the area. Both NVA Regulars and VC irregulars have been observed in the AO. b. Friendly Forces None c. 1968s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Unless there is Positive Identification of Targets in an unoccupied building, structures are not to be engaged or targeted by heavy Ordinance including Mortars, Artillery, Armor, or any other forms of high explosives. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. MISSION 1st Platoon is tasked with clearing out the marked villages and blowing up any supplies found in the area. 71st AHC is tasked with providing support to 1st Platoon. Map of the AO All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 40.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. The whole of our AO has been declared a military target, so you are free to use any kind of ordnance you see fit even in civilian villages/structures. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. EXECUTION 1st Platoon, A. Company, 1/7th Cavalry 1st Platoon PRIMARY TASKING: Clear out PAVN and VC soldiers. SECONDARY TASKING: Deny the enemy any supplies found. 71st Assault Helicopter Company PRIMARY TASKING: Provide support for 1st Platoon. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT 71st Assault Helicopter Company Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Aircraft: Boats: Repairing: Destroyed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Succession of Command: Alpha Company HQ: SPC V. Handberg > 1LT J. Kauffman or 2LT K. Grorud 1st Platoon HQ: 1LT J. Kauffman > PSG TBD 1st Squad: SSG D. Jordan > SSG J. Hart 2nd Squad: SSG C. Mandingo > SSG D. Thompson 71st Company: 2LT K. Grorud > CW2 R. Hepker Pathfinders: SGT B. Snurka > SGT T. Sadler Call Signs "Mako 6" SPC V. Handberg "Mako 1-6" 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-7" SFC D. Brown "Mako 1-1" SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2" SSG C. Mandingo "Rattler 1-6" 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-2" CW2 R. Hepker "Firefly 1-1" SGT B. Snurka Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/[/size]Smoke Signals Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative Red = Enemy/Negative Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position Radio Frequencies Infantry Platoon Net ~ 40.0 CAS Net ~ 45.0 Aviation Platoon Net ~ 50.0 Command Net ~ 60.0
Warning Order Operation Delaware 01 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SITUATION Date and time: 14. Jan. 1968 07.00 WEATHER: 84F (29C); Clear; Wind 15kn NNE; Dawn 0600 IGT; Dusk 1800 IGT 1st Cavalry Division has been ordered to move into A Sầu, it has long been held by the PAVN, used as a major logistics center and fortified with several heavy Anti-Air guns. Our High altitude bombers have been busy taking out these AA sites in preparation for our attack. 1st Cavalry division has been tasked with beating the PAVN back from the area, eliminating all weapons caches and enemy equipment we come over. We suspect heavy resistance, both from the PAVN and locals. The whole area has been deemed a free fire zone. First order of business is to clear the surrounding area of PAVN to make sure they won't set up AA positions close to our FOB. a. Enemy Disposition All known heavy AA sites have been taken out, we suspect they have lighter AA weaponry stored underground. The PAVN is known to have armor in the area Friendly Marines have been met with artillery bombardments in battles in the area. Exact position of PAVN forces is unknown, but likely targets have been marked. b. Friendly Forces None c. 1968s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Unless there is Positive Identification of Targets in an unoccupied building, structures are not to be engaged or targeted by heavy Ordinance including Mortars, Artillery, Armor, or any other forms of high explosives. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. MISSION 1st Platoon is tasked with clearing out surrounding PAVN forces by any means necessary. 71st AHC is tasked with providing support to 1st Platoon. Map of the AO All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 40.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. The whole of our AO has been declared a military target, so you are free to use any kind of ordnance you see fit even in civilian villages/structures. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. EXECUTION 1st Platoon, A. Company, 1/7th Cavalry 1st Platoon PRIMARY TASKING: Clear out surrounding PAVN forces. 71st Assault Helicopter Company PRIMARY TASKING: Provide support for 1st Platoon. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT 71st Assault Helicopter Company Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Aircraft: Boats: Repairing: Destroyed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Succession of Command: Alpha Company HQ: SPC V. Handberg > 1LT J. Kauffman or 2LT K. Grorud 1st Platoon HQ: 1LT J. Kauffman > PSG TBD 1st Squad: SSG D. Jordan > SSG J. Hart 2nd Squad: SSG C. Mandingo > SSG D. Thompson 71st Company: 2LT K. Grorud > CW2 R. Hepker Pathfinders: SGT B. Snurka > SGT T. Sadler Call Signs "Mako 6" SPC V. Handberg "Mako 1-6" 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-7" SFC D. Brown "Mako 1-1" SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2" SSG C. Mandingo "Rattler 1-6" 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-2" CW2 R. Hepker "Firefly 1-1" SGT B. Snurka Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative Control + Num 6 = Engage Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/[/size]Smoke Signals Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative Red = Enemy/Negative Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position Radio Frequencies Infantry Platoon Net ~ 40.0 CAS Net ~ 45.0 Aviation Platoon Net ~ 50.0 Command Net ~ 60.0
Warning Order Operation Musketeer 05 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SITUATION Date and time: 31. Jan. 1945 02.00 WEATHER: 84F (29C); Clear; Wind 15kn NNE; Dawn 0800 IGT; Dusk 1700 IGT Japanese forces are holding 500 POWs in a camp inside occupied Filipino territory, we are afraid they will be killed if we do not rescue them. Their location has been found, they are located in a rundown airfield. The Garrison has been weakened significantly by 1st platoon, enough to allow for us to safely make an assault on the airfield and free the prisoners. We expect the Prisoners to be malnourished and hurt, unable to walk long distances. We have to secure a truck to transport them to the extraction point. A patrol has been observed by Filipino resistance members south of the airfield, stealing supplies from the village. Friendly transport ships are waiting near the village of Kukum, and friendly Filipino resistance members are holding the village. We expect all patrols that are out on the west side of the main river to attempt to intercept our escape. Enemy Light Tanks and Aircrafts are stationed at or near the Airfield and should be neutralized before the forces realize they have come under attack. Because of limited fuel reserves they will only be deployed if the situation becomes too dire for the airfield. a. Enemy Disposition Japanese lightly armed Garrison Troops, Japanese Airplanes are stationed at the airfield. One small Light Armor Platoon b. Friendly Forces Filipino resistance members holding our extraction point. c. 1945s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Unless there is Positive Identification of Targets in an unoccupied building, structures are not to be engaged or targeted by heavy Ordinance including Mortars, Artillery, Armor, or any other forms of high explosives. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. MISSION 1st Platoon is tasked with assaulting with freeing the prisoners of war and brining them to the extract point at all cost. 71st AHC is tasked with providing Close Air Support and Aerial Reconnaissance for 1st Platoon. Map of the AO All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 40.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. The whole of our AO has been declared a military target, so you are free to use any kind of ordnance you see fit even in civilian villages/structures. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. EXECUTION 1st Platoon, A. Company, 1/7th Cavalry 1st Platoon PRIMARY TASKING: Obtain truck for prisoner transport. SECONDARY TASKING: Knock out the Airplanes and Light Tanks TERTIARY TASKING: Free the prisoners and escort them to extraction point. 71st Assault Helicopter Company PRIMARY TASKING: Provide Aerial Recon for first platoon without provoking the Japanese. SECONDARY TASKING: Provide Close Air Support for 1st Platoon when the Japanese enters high alert. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT 71st Assault Helicopter Company Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Aircraft: Boats: Repairing: Destroyed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Succession of Command: Alpha Company HQ: SPC V. Handberg > 1LT J. Kauffman or 2LT K. Grorud 1st Platoon HQ: 1LT J. Kauffman > PSG TBD 1st Squad: SSG D. Jordan > SSG J. Hart 2nd Squad: SSG C. Mandingo > SSG D. Thompson 71st Company: 2LT K. Grorud > CW2 R. Hepker Pathfinders: SGT B. Snurka > SGT T. Sadler Call Signs "Mako 6" SPC V. Handberg "Mako 1-6" 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-7" SFC D. Brown "Mako 1-1" SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2" SSG C. Mandingo "Rattler 1-6" 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-2" CW2 R. Hepker "Firefly 1-1" SGT B. Snurka Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative[/size] Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative[/size] Control + Num 6 = Engage[/size] Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/[/size]Smoke Signals Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative[/size] Red = Enemy/Negative[/size] Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required[/size] Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position[/size] Radio Frequencies Infantry Platoon Net ~ 40.0 CAS Net ~ 45.0 Aviation Platoon Net ~ 50.0 Command Net ~ 60.0
Warning Order Operation Musketeer 04 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SITUATION Date and time: 30. Jan. 1945 00.00 WEATHER: 84F (29C); Clear; Wind 15kn NNE; Dawn 0800 IGT; Dusk 1700 IGT Japanese forces are holding 500 POWs in a camp inside occupied Filipino territory, we are afraid they will be killed if we do not rescue them. Their location has been found, they are located in a rundown airfield. Unfortunately the garrison is too strong to mount a straight up attack. 1st Platoon is Tasked with creating a diversion, drawing out and ambushing the troops stationed at the airfield, thinning them out in preparation of an assault. Local intelligence have pointed out two targets that will most likely draw out troops from the airfield. a. Enemy Disposition Japanese lightly armed Garrison Troops, The Garrison troops are known to use both foot and motorized patrols. No armor has been spotted in the AO b. Friendly Forces None c. 1945s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Unless there is Positive Identification of Targets in an unoccupied building, structures are not to be engaged or targeted by heavy Ordinance including Mortars, Artillery, Armor, or any other forms of high explosives. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. MISSION 1st Platoon is tasked with assaulting Objective Alfa and Bravo and ambushing the reinforcing troops from the Airfield. Map of the AO All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 40.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. The whole of our AO has been declared a military target, so you are free to use any kind of ordnance you see fit even in civilian villages/structures. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. EXECUTION 1st Platoon, A. Company, 1/7th Cavalry 1st Platoon PRIMARY TASKING: Assault Objectives SECONDARY TASKING: Ambush Reinforcements ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT 71st Assault Helicopter Company Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Aircraft: Boats: Repairing: Destroyed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Succession of Command: Alpha Company HQ: SPC V. Handberg > 1LT J. Kauffman or 2LT K. Grorud 1st Platoon HQ: 1LT J. Kauffman > PSG TBD 1st Squad: SSG D. Jordan > SSG J. Hart 2nd Squad: SSG C. Mandingo > SSG D. Thompson 71st Company: 2LT K. Grorud > CW2 R. Hepker Pathfinders: SGT B. Snurka > SGT T. Sadler Call Signs "Mako 6" SPC V. Handberg "Mako 1-6" 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-7" SFC D. Brown "Mako 1-1" SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2" SSG C. Mandingo "Rattler 1-6" 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-2" CW2 R. Hepker "Firefly 1-1" SGT B. Snurka Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative[/size] Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative[/size] Control + Num 6 = Engage[/size] Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/[/size]Smoke Signals Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative[/size] Red = Enemy/Negative[/size] Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required[/size] Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position[/size] Radio Frequencies Infantry Platoon Net ~ 40.0 CAS Net ~ 45.0 Aviation Platoon Net ~ 50.0 Command Net ~ 60.0
SGT V. Handberg is attending Christmas/New Year Patrol @ 1900 EST
Warning Order Operation Musketeer 02 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SITUATION Date and time: 29. Jan. 1945 23.55 WEATHER: 84F (29C); Clear; Wind 1kn NNE; Dawn 0800 IGT; Dusk 1700 IGT We have dropped into enemy controlled territory, established contact with the local resistance and made our own base camp. Now we must find where the Japanese are holding our POWs. The Filipinos have seen POWs and civillian prisoners being taken to small Japanese occupied villages on the east side of the river, namely the unnamed village located near Bloody Ridge and the village of Gapan. We believe these villages may hold information about where the POWs are being held. After our previous raids the Japanese have stepped up their patrols into the jungle, getting into more firefights with the Resistance as well as stepping up the Bridge garrison. A local Filipino has secured us a boat in an unnamed village. a. Enemy Disposition Japanese lightly armed Garrison Troops, The Garrison troops are known to use both foot and motorized patrols. No armor has been spotted in the AO b. Friendly Forces Friendly Filipino Guerrillas are operating in the area. c. 1945s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Unless there is Positive Identification of Targets in an unoccupied building, structures are not to be engaged or targeted by heavy Ordinance including Mortars, Artillery, Armor, or any other forms of high explosives. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. MISSION 1st Platoon is tasked with crossing the river with the help of the Filipino resistance and then making their way to the two villages and search for intel on the location of the POW camp. Map of the AO All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 40.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 40.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. The whole of our AO has been declared a military target, so you are free to use any kind of ordnance you see fit even in civilian villages/structures. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. EXECUTION 1st Platoon, A. Company, 1/7th Cavalry 1st Platoon PRIMARY TASKING: Cross the river. SECONDARY TASKING: Make your way to one of the target villages and infiltrate it by any means necessary. TERTIARY TASKING: Make your way to the remaining village and infiltrate it by any means necessary. 71st Assault Helicopter Company PRIMARY TASKING: N/A ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT 71st Assault Helicopter Company Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Aircraft: Boats: Repairing: Destroyed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Succession of Command: Alpha Company HQ: SPC V. Handberg > 1LT J. Kauffman or 2LT K. Grorud 1st Platoon HQ: 1LT J. Kauffman > PSG TBD 1st Squad: SSG D. Jordan > SSG J. Hart 2nd Squad: SSG C. Mandingo > SSG D. Thompson 71st Company: 2LT K. Grorud > CW2 R. Hepker Pathfinders: SGT B. Snurka > SGT T. Sadler Call Signs "Mako 6" SPC V. Handberg "Mako 1-6" 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-7" SFC TBD "Mako 1-1" SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2" SSG C. Mandingo "Rattler 1-6" 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-2" CW2 R. Hepker "Alaska 1-1" SGT B. Snurka Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative[/size] Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative[/size] Control + Num 6 = Engage[/size] Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/[/size] Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative[/size] Red = Enemy/Negative[/size] Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required[/size] Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position[/size] Radio Frequencies Infantry Platoon Net ~ 40.0 CAS Net ~ 45.0 Aviation Platoon Net ~ 50.0 Command Net ~ 60.0
SGT V. Handberg is attending Operation Musketeer 002 @ 1900 EST
Warning Order Operation Musketeer 01 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SITUATION Date and time: 28. Jan. 1945 03.00 WEATHER: 84F (29C); Clear; Wind 15kn NNE; Dawn 0800 IGT; Dusk 1700 IGT Japanese forces are holding 500 POWs in a camp inside occupied Filipino territory, we are afraid they will be killed if we do not rescue them. 1st Platoon has been tasked with dropping behind enemy lines, conducting recon, harassing the Japanese garrison and helping the local Filipino guerrilla forces. Making sure the Japanese do not notice we are not Filipino guerrillas is of the utmost importance, since we do not want the Japanese to bring additional garrison troops to the AO. a. Enemy Disposition Japanese lightly armed Garrison Troops, The Garrison troops are known to use both foot and motorized patrols. No armor has been spotted in the AO b. Friendly Forces Friendly Filipino Guerrillas are operating in the area. c. 1945s - Rules of Engagement On order from your commander, enemy military and paramilitary forces are declared hostile and may be attacked subject to the following instructions: Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next highest commander for decision. Do not engage anyone who has surrendered, or is unarmed or wounded. Any requests for fire support or close air support within 600 Meters of a civilian center must first get authorization from commanding officer. Unless there is Positive Identification of Targets in an unoccupied building, structures are not to be engaged or targeted by heavy Ordinance including Mortars, Artillery, Armor, or any other forms of high explosives. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. MISSION 1st Platoon is tasked with dropping into the AO, making contact with the local Guerrilla and procuring supplies from the Japanese Garrison. 71st AHC is tasked with paradropping 1st platoon into the AO Map of the AO [ Notes from Commander: All requests for Close Air Support/Medevac/Resupply/Insertion are to go to Mako 1-6 on FREQ 40.0. Mako 1-6 will contact Rattler 1-6 on FREQ 50.0 to request an asset to assist 1st Platoon as necessary. Once the asset is in the area of Operation for Mako 1-6, Infantry can contact the bird via CAS Net FREQ 45.0 to guide in the bird/direct close air support. If an infantry element is in threat of being overrun and requires immediate assistance, they may declare a "Tactical Emergency" to Mako 1-6, who will then have Rattler 1-6 redirect all available air assets to Mako 1-6's Area of Operation to prevent the unit from being overrun. The whole of our AO has been declared a military target, so you are free to use any kind of ordnance you see fit even in civilian villages/structures. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. EXECUTION 1st Platoon, A. Company, 1/7th Cavalry 1st Platoon PRIMARY TASKING: Drop into the AO SECONDARY TASKING: Make contact with local Guerilla forces. TERTIARY TASKING: Raid Japanese Guerrillas for supplies. 71st Assault Helicopter Company PRIMARY TASKING: Provide Transport into the AO for 1st Platoon ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT 71st Assault Helicopter Company Vehicle Pool for Campaign: Aircraft: Boats: Repairing: Destroyed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND & SIGNAL Succession of Command: Alpha Company HQ: SPC V. Handberg > 1LT J. Kauffman or 2LT K. Grorud 1st Platoon HQ: 1LT J. Kauffman > PSG TBD 1st Squad: SSG D. Jordan > SSG J. Hart 2nd Squad: SSG C. Mandingo > SSG D. Thompson 71st Company: 2LT K. Grorud > CW2 R. Hepker Pathfinders: SGT B. Snurka > SGT T. Sadler Call Signs "Mako 6" SPC V. Handberg "Mako 1-6" 1LT J. Kauffman "Mako 1-7" SFC TBD "Mako 1-1" SSG D. Jordan "Mako 1-2" SSG C. Mandingo "Rattler 1-6" 2LT K. Grorud "Rattler 1-2" CW2 R. Hepker "Alaska 1-1" SGT B. Snurka Hand Signals Control + Num 5 = Rally/Set//Affirmative[/size] Control + Num 2 = Halt/Hold/Stop/Negative[/size] Control + Num 6 = Engage[/size] Control + Num 4 = Go/Move/[/size] Smoke Signals Green = Friendly/Affirmative[/size] Red = Enemy/Negative[/size] Purple = Mass Casualty/Medic Required[/size] Orange = Lost/Marking Current Position[/size] Radio Frequencies Infantry Platoon Net ~ 40.0 CAS Net ~ 45.0 Aviation Platoon Net ~ 50.0 Command Net ~ 60.0